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Still Waiting for News To Go Fully Visual? Too Late.

Scott Fedonchik Discusses-Still Waiting for News To Go Fully Visual? Too Late.Scott FedonchikSenior Vice President of Marketing, Business WireTake a look at your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn feeds. Go there now, it’s okay. Count 20 posts. Done? Okay, welcome back.How many text-only posts did you see?I’m willing to bet just about every post has a high-quality image, and that more than half had a video. News consumers (all of us) expect, and now see, article links with images, 360 interactive visuals, livestreams, super slick gifs, image galleries, filters and more. What we don’t see much of, nor engage with as deeply, are text-only posts.Simply put, this is how people communicate on the web now. News and digital communications have gone fully visual and everyone has become a multimedia producer.A recent Cisco/Reuters report predicts that 85% of digital communication with be visual by 2018. Adobe says that visuals see an increase of 6.5X engagement over text alone. And a ComScore report says that you are 53X more likely to show up first on Google Search with video content. Visuals move readers to take actions. They draw us in, demand attention and create an impression.So, the question for PR and IR Pros is this… "Is this how you are thinking when crafting your news and press releases?"If you're not communicating with high-impact visuals and engaging text, you’re missing out on the promise of the web. Smart visual, shareable content that makes an impact and commands attention. Isn’t that what we all want with our brand communications? Impact and attention.Let us show you how.