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Storytelling, Business Fluency, Employee Comms Among Top Takeaways of CommsWeek 2022

CommsWeek Co-Chairs Diane Schwartz and Tiffany Guarnaccia share their top gleanings from the week.

Diane Schwartz and Tiffany Guarnaccia

Ragan’s Communications Week 2022, held Nov. 1-7, was overflowing with takeaways to inform the communicator’s 2023 playbook. Peer-to-peer conversations were abundant during this important industry week, which included the Future of Communications Conference in NYC.

CommsWeek Co-Chairs Diane Schwartz, CEO of Ragan, and Tiffany Guarnaccia, CEO of Kite Hill PR and founder of CommsWeek, share their top gleanings from the week:


Congratulations to Ragan on a fantastic Communications Week. One of the big takeaways from me was the power of storytelling. Now more than ever, the best communicators are storytellers. Some of the sessions touched on how to make sure your story is worth telling internally and externally. The world’s best communicators know that employees are our number-one brand advocates. We need to engage them.


So true. And it should go without saying, but I’m saying it: transparency with employees is critical. We heard from so many speakers that employees can handle bad news better than uncertainty. Communicate early and often, and when it comes to storytelling – don’t be boring!  A popular tweet during Communications Week was that storytelling is data with a soul. I love that. Tiffany, what else struck you during the Future of Comms Conference?Continue reading here...