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Take Ragan's 5th Annual State of Comms Survey to Benchmark Your Efforts in 2023

Take this survey to get answers on how communications teams are structured, navigating changes in budgets and turnover and more.

Interested in deepening your understanding of the communications landscape — while getting crucial, proprietary research to inform your decisions and navigate what’s ahead in 2023? Answer by the Dec. 21 deadline!

You’re in luck. An exclusive industry survey from Ragan will shed light on the communications field and help professionals benchmark themselves against their peers in areas such as budgets, team structure, software and tools, ESG and DE&I efforts, and other vital information. Those who take the survey will receive a key findings report.

The results will help you better grasp standard practices across the industry. It will prepare you to negotiate budgets with executives and help navigate the unforeseen changes and challenges to maintaining a productive, healthy and sustainable workforce culture.

It will take you less than 10 minutes to complete this Communications Benchmark Survey, and responses will be held in strict confidence, as the results will be aggregated and anonymized. Participants will receive the report of the key findings, which will help you plan for 2023 and beyond.

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