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Talent Auditions: Get Ready, Get Set, Go

Marie Raperto, The Hiring HubTalent Auditions are the future according to the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM).  It has been proven in a number of varied fields, including scientific and market researchers, data scientists and software engineers.Can communications be far behind?Writing tests are already standard so can simulations and assessments be far behind?Traditional interviews are a great way to get to know one another but everyone is on their best behavior and stressing their positive points.Here are some additional auditions you may face:

  1. Assessment tests for personality traits, critical thinking etc.
  2. Skills testing such as writing and grammar tests.
  3. Simulation situations where you are brought in to work with a team.  These can be paid or unpaid.
  4. Screenings where you are asked to present to a group on a subject given to you or on something you have done.
  5. Group candidate interviewing.  This technique put groups of candidates together with a moderator to see how everyone relates to each other.

Don't fear 'auditioning.'  It will help the company select the right person and help you find the right home.