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Tech Talk: How to Become More Marketable

Free Webcast On-Demand

About the Event

Life has changed as we know it. Many of us are glued to our TV’s, reading articles or social media posts hoping the White House’s latest mantra, “The light at the end of the tunnel” will come soon.  But, that light seems to be moving further away.

In The Week in Tech: How to Stop Coronavirus ‘Doomsurfing’, Kevin Roose, columnist for Business Day and writer-at-large for The New York Times Magazine said,” I’ve been doing a lot of this kind of doomsurfing recently — falling into deep, morbid rabbit holes filled with coronavirus content, agitating myself to the point of physical discomfort, erasing any hope of a good night’s sleep. 

Maybe you have, too. There’s nothing wrong with staying informed. But we need to practice self-care, and balance our consumption of grim news with gentler kinds of stimulation, for our own health and the sanity of those around us.” -- The New York Times, March 2020.

In terms of our jobs, unless we’re essential employees, most of us are working from home, are remote or have been laid-off. Instead of feeling stressed, worried, scared or down, take the time to reflect on your background, experience, relationships, hobbies and interests to identify new ways to work. Don’t think of your career as one long trajectory. Instead, look back, to find common patterns and transferable skills.

Take me, for example. I’m a 30-year marketing communications professional. When I looked back, I realized that technology is the thread throughout my career, along with writing. I’ve created content for as long as I can remember. But, it wasn’t until I was asked to do event coverage that I learned that my skills could be used to get writing jobs.

Now that we’re all using technology tools to stay connected with friends, family and colleagues, why not take the time to learn about emerging technologies? For example, in 2018,  I attended Social Media Week and listened to a talk on blockchain. 

At first, it was difficult to understand, but after interviewing the host I was amazed and inspired. and wrote , “The Amazing Utility of Blockchain: From Mining Crypto for Charities to Tracking E-Coli.” When I learned that the article was too sophisticated, I wrote, a more basic one, “How Blockchain Can Rebuild Digital Trust” which was the #2 most-read (out of 10,000 contributors) in 2019.

Throughout the years, I was determined to learn more about emerging technologies, including, artificial intelligence (AI), financial technology (FinTech), financial services, big data, machine learning (ML), data privacy and the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook scandal, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), digital trust, Facebook’s Libra, consumer datasets, data tracking and more.

I’m not an expert in any of these fields, but learning as a non-techie was easy once I changed my mindset and continued to collaborate with clients and colleagues in these and other industry sectors. 

During these uncertain times, technology is keeping us connected, informed and engaged. Many report that there is no going back; we’re heading into a new normal. 

Incoming IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said, “The company needs people who say, Hey, my mind is plastic, I can expand it, I can learn more. People who are more resilient in the face of obstacles and the face of challenges. 

Today we would call that an entrepreneur. You need to adapt, you need to change, you need to keep learning. That’s a big change from hiring for all the skills you need. You want to hire people who have a growth mindset.” -- Fortune, April 2020.

World-renown Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck coined the phrase “growth mindset” in her book, “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential.” Those who believe that abilities can be developed possess a growth mindset, while others who believe that their abilities are fixed tend to be less successful in life.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how learning about technology will keep you relevant, and hopefully, inspire you to think differently to be able to upskill and re skill and make yourself more marketable in the future.

We’ll discuss:

  1. How should we balance the need for personalization versus maintaining our data privacy?

  2. Should we fear AI taking over our jobs or is it being used for the good of society?

  3. What does democratization of data mean?

  4. What are the pros and cons of investing in bitcoin?

  5. How are major institutions using blockchain to prevent data leaks and internet fraud?

  6. What is tokenization of physical and digital assets?

  7. How and what disruptive technologies will help digital transformation meet customer expectations?

  8. Will commercial banks become more digitally-focused in 2020?

  9.  In 2019, CEOs reported that there were problems finding talent. What are  the most in-demand hard and soft skills?

  10. Where can a non-techie go to learn more and become savvy?



Everyone is Not a Journalist – Think Before You Hit Print

Wendy Glavin, CEO & Founder, Wendy Glavin Agency

Wendy Glavin

 is Founder and CEO of 




; specializing in marketing, executive writing, PR and social media advisory. Based in NYC, 


 is a 30-year veteran of corporate, agency, consulting and small business ownership. Her monthly technology columnist for is "


's Tech Talk." and a featured contributor at



's Linkedin Group is Tech Talk: "From Newbies to Savvy." Contact her at: 




Andrew Corn, CEO, E5A Integrated Marketing 



 is CEO of E5A Integrated Marketing, headquartered in NYC offering assistance in asset gathering, capital raising, revenue acceleration, and public company packaging. 


 heads strategy consulting including distribution. He is a 

former equity portfolio manager, ETF designer, public company chief marketing officer, agency CEO and fintech entrepreneur. E5A specializes in helping managers gain AUM and also works extensively in equity crowdfunding and other capital raising efforts. For more information go to: 


. Contact him at:

Raymond Kahn, Senior Management at Stealth Mode Fintech Startup

Ray Kahn is focused on combining his expertise in capital markets, financial products, and trading platforms with emerging technologies to develop enhanced capital market applications for traditional and digital assets.  Ray is currently a senior manager for a stealth mode fintech startup combining traditional and digital infrastructures.  As the founder of Archon Advisors LLC, he partners with clients to design solutions that generate financial, operational, and capital efficiencies.  He has an extensive background in developing, managing, and transitioning financial businesses undergoing regulatory, economic, and market infrastructure changes. Ray has built and managed units focused on Electronic Trading, OTC Derivatives and Futures Clearing, Fixed Income Trading (bonds, loans, cds, derivatives), Risk Management, Payments, Real Estate, and Digital Assets.Ray has served as President of ICE’s Creditex unit, focusing on electronic bond and derivatives execution. Prior to joining ICE, Ray led Barclays’ OTC Client Clearing business, building the unit from scratch into one of the industry’s leading clearing FCMs (Risk Magazine’s 2013 Clearer of the Year). Extensive risk management experience includes serving as Barclays’ Prime Services’ Risk Head during the credit crisis and building/managing Lehman’s Relationship Loan unit, one of the industry’s most active traders of cds, loans, and bespoke mitigation structures. 

Jason Yanowitz, Co-Founder, BlockWorks Group

Jason Yanowitz is the Co-Founder of BlockWorks Group, 

an events and media company that sits at the intersection of digital assets and traditional finance.

Prior to BlockWorks Group, Jason helped build the business development team at Sisense, a data analytics startup that raised nearly $300M, and worked in Venture Capital at Intuitive Venture Partners.