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Technology: 5 Ways It Can Change The Way You Do PR

 Sherie Raymond, Writer, Academic Brits

Technology has changed the world - advancements have been quick and they swept all of the old ways of living and doing business out of the way.  PR is no exception. While we used to rely on reporters, now we rely on bloggers. While we once held press releases in the evening news, now it’s Twitter.Information is out there and as soon as something new comes up, our users know about it immediately. But technology isn’t done changing and advancing our world and especially PR. Here is how new technologies are yet to change the way we inform and engage with our users.

Artificial Intelligence

Of all the technological changes that have taken place in the recent years, the development of Artificial intelligence is the one that people are most excited and intimidated by. While it still hasn’t reached its true potential, it’s becoming an inevitable part of our lives.AI leverages millions of gigabytes of data to create insightful and compelling copy that speaks to the users without any human interception. This copy will be targeted to specific groups as the artificial intelligence will be able to understand the human sentiment and use the data to create copy that will completely obliterate the need of copywriters. While this seems a bit dark for the copywriters, the future will likely find a place for them as well.

Big Data

Big data is a big thing among the marketers nowadays. It’s a large amount of structured and unstructured data that is available today for companies and organizations to mine and use for insight. Consumers today expect the companies to know and understand them and thus produce products, services, marketing campaigns and content that caters to their likes and desires.This is where big data steps in. It allows companies to create personalized and targeted content for their users. It’s not an easy feat but with the growth in the amount of data and consumer’s willingness to share it in order to get a better experience.


Even though in mid 00’s they predicted that the email and its popularity will decrease, modern findings show that this is not the case. Especially in PR, the email has been a reliable and useful tool for all the professionals in this field. It’s a direct access to consumers and one of the best ways to gather data to create a more personalized experience.Even though email hasn’t changed a lot over the past few years, experts predict various changes which will further improve the impact of email in PR.

  • Personalization
  • Rise of interactive email
  • Increasing automation

Video Content

“Brands have realize the power of video content marketing a long time ago. Recent changes in video possibilities on social media have made it even easier and more engaging for brands to create video content that speaks to the users,” says Michael Loredan, a PR writer from Write My X.Researchers have shown numerous times that users prefer to watch videos over reading a newsletter. However, video is not done yet. With the video 360, VR technologies, live streaming and augmented reality, the video is just start g with the amazing g things it can do for brands and their PR efforts.

Social Media

“Ever since it first became popular, social media has only been growing in success - especially so for brands. However, just like video, social media has much more in store that could help brands with their marketing strategies,” says Harry Gordon, a PR expert from 1Day2Write and OriginWritingsFor one, it gathers and holds a huge amount of data. Next, it’s one of the best ways to engage with users and promote your products and services. There are also numerous opportunities with messaging apps and features on social media that could improve your PR efforts greatly.


New technologies could change the face of the PR. It may take some time before these technologies are implemented but some versions of them have already proved to be of immense value to brands across the world.

About the Author: Sherie Raymond works as an education writer and an editor at Origin Writings and Academic Brits. She loves writing for online educational magazines and blogs, especially if she can help someone with her articles. In her free time, she likes to do yoga.