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The Best Content Marketing Tips of 2015

The Best Content Marketing Tips of 2015The countdown continues! As the year comes to a close, we’re compiling the best practices you need to know for 2016. Get more tips in our Best of 2015 series.Today’s audiences are engaging with content across an overwhelming number of channels. If your content marketing efforts aren’t compelling enough, that white paper or video you spent weeks working on will be overshadowed by the Star Wars meme your friend just shared.Content can’t just be “good enough.” It must be remarkable.Keep reading for some of our top articles about content marketing from the past year.77 Types of Content to Feed Your AudienceWhen it comes to types of content, different people have different tastes. Some may be starving for a hearty research report, others prefer their information intake broken down into snackable nuggets.Here are 77 content types to create a menu that feeds a wide range of appetites.9 Audience Segments You Need to Consider for Content Marketing SuccessWhen’s the last time you thought about who your audience really is?It’s easy to get so caught up in the never-ending cycle of creating and promoting content that you begin to think of your audience in over-simplified terms such as “the media” or “consumers.”Take the time to revisit how you define your target audiences with this primer.Why Content Marketing’s Really a Question of Marketing Your ContentYou can’t underestimate the role of promotion in your content marketing puzzle. Regardless of your content’s quality, if you build it, they don’t always come. Download this white paper to learn why your content’s promotion strategy is so important and how to get started.The Ultimate Press Release Guide for Promoting Your Content MarketingA truly effective promotion strategy looks beyond your brand’s existing audience and experiments with distribution channels that will help your content reach new segments and build relationships with influencers.Although press releases are becoming a more common way for content marketers to drive traffic to their owned media channels, it’s easier said than done.Don’t worry, though, because we have you covered. This guide outlines six steps to develop a content release strategy from start to finish.

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