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The Cyber Bad Guys Are Getting Worse: New Cybersecurity eBook Released

“I don’t try to predict the future. All I want to do is prevent it.”

—Ray Bradbury

There have been a few moments of remarkable hope over the decades that I never thought I would live to see and literally took my breath away. The fall of the Berlin Wall. The collapse of apartheid and the subsequent election of Nelson Mandela. The election of Barack Obama. The rise of the Internet.

I remember the first night I had America Online and suddenly found myself in a conversation with someone in British Columbia. It was a “Watson, come here" moment.

In just over 20 years, the unbridled promise of the wild west of the new Internet has been replaced by 21st century robber barons in the form of a half dozen companies with spectacular power over commerce, democracy and thought. Add to this the rise of a criminal class so sophisticated in their enterprise that they now have mission statements. And their mission is not good.One hundred percent of us will be hacked. Ransomware is on the rise. Nation-state interference is exhibit one in the new cold war. Disruption from cyber criminals is its own significant stand-alone threat even before we get to the disruption caused by AI and the rise of technology.

Over the past few months we have written multiple articles and conducted more than a dozen broadcast interviews, largely for the Corporate Counsel Business Journal, on cyber security and privacy issues, resulting in our fifth eBook, this one on Cybersecurity & Privacy. Leading experts provide their take on what companies can do pre-, during and post-breaches. We have interviews with one of the nation’s leading cyber security journalists, Brian Krebs ofKrebs on Security; Jeffrey Rosenthal, Privacy Team chair of Blank Rome’s Biometric practice; and Marcello Antonucci, Claims Team Leader of Beazley’s Cyber & Tech, our co-sponsor of this eBook; and contributions from such leading firms as ThreatConnect, 4iQ, Mullen Coughlin, Carlton Fields, ZwillGen and many others.

We are distributing this eBook to more than 300,000 people through our media and insurance partners, including the Corporate Counsel Business Journal, CommPRO, Beazley and the many law and cyber firms who participated in this eBook. We are always updating our eBooks, so if you want to propose a topic, we can work you into the next edition.

Stay safe and enjoy the eBook.

Download the eBook

Richard Levick

Richard S. Levick, Esq.

Chairman & CEOLEVICK