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The Future of Food (Presentation)

By sparks & honeyWe are living in a time of unprecedented interest in food and food culture. Whole television networks are devoted to food. Chefs have become celebrities in their own right. Vine and YouTube have changed how we trade recipes. Home chefs follow food news and trends as if it were their job.The audience for food is diverse and complex. There are foodies driven by pleasure and novelty who are also concerned with the environment. There are anti-GMO forces who take pleasure in the more sensuous aspects of food culture. And there is everything in between.

Future of food from sparks & honey

This report provides insight into the changing landscape and cultural importance of food. In it we discuss:Our report examines• The distinction between living to eat and eating to live• Sustainability and how food waste is reshaping food aesthetics• New delivery systems and shared food experiences• Ways that technology is changing what and how we eat• Extrasensory eating and food as content43 pp. 18 imagesMethodologyFor this report, sparks & honey tapped in to our global scout network and proprietary cultural intelligence system, combing through thousands of signals to build a vision of the future of food.