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The Impact Of Sustainability On The Customer Relations Of The Millennials and Zoomers

Customers are one of the main reasons why company leaders head into business. Solving customer problems and providing them with a better lifestyle are fundamental values businesses set out to fill.

A strong consumer and business relationship is critical to a successful business. The association will ensure that the customer will return to the company to purchase their products and service. 

With the development of sustainability and chase to net zero that the Millenial and Zoomers have, companies must learn to adjust and change their current processes within the business. From manufacturing waste to communication through events, consumers are honed in on the amount of waste a company has. 

Creating a clear and identifiable company image for consumers is of utmost importance. A clean company image will have a more significant impact than companies might think. 

What is public relations?

Public relations refers to the image a business wants to portray. Consumers will observe and analyze this image to ensure that their values and the company image align. In the modern world, this image can lead to attracting new customers. 

Companies can attract and keep more customers as Gen Zers enter the consumption world. Zoomers, however, have a different focus than the rest of the world. Even though this group makes the least amount of money in the workforce, they aim only to purchase sustainable products made from reused waste. 

 A report revealed that 62% of Gen Z shoppers prefer to buy from sustainable brands and companies, and 73% are willing to pay more for sustainable products. At the same time, both Gen Z and millennials will purchase a product focusing on environmental and social impact. 

These consumers will solely buy a product if they know its impact on the planet. Thus providing them with an accurate image of public relations, companies can display their sustainable systems and product to Gen Z and Millenial shoppers. 

There are multiple changes that a company can use to ensure that its systems and products are sustainable. These changes will take some time and might cause some disruption within the workplace, but the return and the environmental impact will be worth the trouble.

Sustainability and how companies can improve

The aim is to create a sustainable system to produce a product or service that will impact the environment. Companies must start with the basic processes to ensure that the foundation is laid for the upcoming and significant changes within the company.

Waste within the company

Big corporations employ many individuals to complete multiple tasks within the business. As these employees complete numerous tasks and meet different deadlines, waste is bound to happen. There is, however, a variety of waste within a company. General waste, food waste, glass waste, and production waste, to name a few. 

As the recycling process develops, companies can incorporate it to ensure the waste can be reused or recycled. This sustainable system will allow the company to raise its sustainability and create a cleaner office space. 

General waste, such as plastic, paper, glass, and non-recyclable materials, can be divided. There are containers and waste bins created to ensure that each waste ends up together. This will make the process of recycling and reducing waste immensely easier. 

Product development 

Developing a product will lead to waste. Companies can use reusable and environmentally friendly manufacturing materials to ensure the end product is sustainable. This will increase sales if the marketing team advertises to the millennials and Generation Z. 

Companies can identify sustainable resources that are either renewable or biodegradable to ensure that it is environmentally friendly. These materials might be slightly more expensive, but they will lead to an increase in sales. The business brand and identity will increase significantly, and the younger generations will become loyal customers, supporting sustainable and environmentally friendly services and products. 

Environmental certificates 

One aspect of environmentally friendly processes is to state that they are in place. Companies can aim to receive environmental certificates to ensure this statement is credible and transparent. 

There are a variety of green certificates that companies can acquire by creating sustainable processes. The green credentials will provide consumers with the necessary paperwork that proves that the company is focusing on positively impacting the environment. 

Move to paperless offices.

According to Statista, 7.8 million tons of paper waste was calculated in 2021: the most significant waste and recycled products among the waste materials. Companies can decrease their paper waste by aiming to be a paperless corporations. 

As technology grows, companies can capitalize on it. The online world will allow businesses to send documents, receipts, and any printed paper through email or Dropbox. Moving to a digital business will assist the company in spending less on wasted paper and decreasing general waste. 

The first step is to raise awareness of the amount of paper the employees waste throughout a week of working hours. This will provide the team with areas and spaces that must reduce their general ad paper waste. 

Providing online events and meetings 

Throughout the pandemic, companies communicated through online events. Many thought in-person events would return in full force as the pandemic ended. The change was, however, different. 

Sustainable online events are a fantastic tool to decrease company waste. Not only are virtual events accessible to consumers worldwide, but companies can save money and reduce waste while hosting more educational consumer events throughout the year.

Online events will reduce general waste. An average event attendee will create 1.89 kilograms of waste per day. Companies can reduce their carbon footprint by simply incorporating more virtual meetings. 

A comparison between virtual events and physical events has been made. And companies will not only reduce their waste, but they will save time, reduce stress, and reduce CO2 omissions from 1,153,291 kilograms to 6,798 kilograms. 


A sustainable business is more than just the financial statements and the team's yearly sales. Companies must adjust their system and process to reduce waste and increase sustainable products and materials used. 

The change to sustainable and recyclable products will draw the younger crowd. As the Millenials and Zoomers only purchase products that positively impact the social and environmental, the company can ensure to attract them as consumers. The younger generations aim to save the planet, and businesses can join this journey and its benefits by reducing waste and using sustainable materials and systems within their company.