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The National Press Club presents "Candid Conversations: Addressing Racism as Communicators"

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The National Press Club’s Communicator Team held a Candid Conversation via Zoom on Aug. 4 on how communications professionals are helping organizations navigate conversations about race and racism.Three experienced practitioners shared best practices as well as personal experiences. While this event was for National Press Club members, we felt the topic and the conversation was too important not to share out beyond the immediate audience.

Please listen in -- here's a link to the event:

ALSO: We encourage everyone to check out the National Press Club at for breaking news events that are open to the public.


  • Crystal Borde, Vice President and Diversity & Inclusion Practice Lead at Vanguard Communications who applies a diversity, equity and inclusion lens to her PR counsel for nonprofit and government agencies;
  • Priscilla Clarke, President & CEO of Clarke & Associates, who has worked with clients for the 50th Anniversary of The March on Washington and the spiritual advisor to Trayvon Martin’s family; and
  • Sean Greenwood, Grand Poobah of Public Relations at Ben & Jerry’s, who has seen the triumphs and tribulations of leading with your values during his three decades with the company.
  • Lisa Matthews, Club vice president and assignment manager, U.S. video at The Associated Press, served as moderator.

A special note of thanks to NPC Communicator Team Members Karen Addis, Maria Rodriguez and Edward Segal for making this session a reality and to Zeev Wexler who also helped with the video!