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The Ongoing Importance of Press Releases in PR Strategies

Press releases, long a staple in the public relations toolkit, are often questioned for their relevance in today's fast-paced, digital-centric world. Michelle Garrett’s insightful post for the Notified blog, "Are Press Releases Still Relevant?", delves into this debate and provides a comprehensive analysis of why press releases remain a critical element in the modern communication strategy. In this article we will look at Garrett's findings and offer communicators actionable insights to effectively integrate press releases into their PR, marketing, and investor relations efforts.

Unifying Key Players With A Common Message

Crafting a press release necessitates collaboration among various teams within a company. This collaborative effort ensures that everyone is aligned on the core messages that need to be communicated. The process of distilling the essential information into a concise and clear document forces teams to prioritize and agree on the most vital points, ensuring that the final message is cohesive and comprehensive.

A well-written press release typically includes the fundamental details — who, what, where, when, why, and how — as well as multimedia elements and hyperlinks for those seeking more in-depth information. This clarity and unity are crucial in today’s environment, where mixed messages can lead to confusion.

Journalists Rely On Press Releases

Journalists often request press releases because they provide all the necessary information to cover a story accurately. Garrett, speaking with Keith R. Pillow, Vice President of High Tech at Havas Formula, notes that many tech sector reporters still require news to be packaged in a press release format. Stephanie Hendrixson, senior editor at Additive Manufacturing, echoes this sentiment, highlighting the importance of press releases in fast-moving B2B spaces.

Press releases offer verified and accurate information straight from the source, a significant advantage over other information forms like social media posts, which can be difficult to authenticate. The use of wire services to vet and verify press releases further enhances their credibility. Including multimedia elements like images or videos in press releases can also increase their appeal, as visual content is processed quickly and effectively by the brain.

Integral Part Of Larger Campaigns

Press releases often serve as the foundation for more extensive PR campaigns. They can be strategically spaced out to keep the brand and campaign subject matter top of mind among media, customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Garrett notes that Scott Kaminski, Senior Marketing Manager at Häfele America, believes that press releases can drive interest and excitement, especially when included as part of a multichannel strategy involving social media, events, email campaigns, and ads.

Direct Communication With Broader Audiences

An important point that Garrett makes is that press releases are not just for journalists. We both agree that they are valuable tools for communicating directly with various audiences, including customers, employees, partners, and investors. They can be adapted for different stakeholders, maintaining the core message while modifying the tone and format as needed. This versatility makes press releases multipurpose tools that can support a wide range of communication efforts.

Boosting Visibility, Brand Awareness, And Lead Generation

Press releases can generate media coverage, which in turn enhances brand visibility and awareness. This coverage can also aid in search engine optimization (SEO) rankings and lead generation. For new product announcements, press releases provide essential details to both the media and potential buyers, driving interest and excitement.

Repurposing Content For Various Channels

Once a press release is written, it can be leveraged in numerous ways. Beyond distribution via wire services, it can be pitched to the press, posted on the company’s website, included in newsletters, and used as the basis for additional content such as blog posts or customer stories. Sales teams can use press releases to inform existing customers and prospects, and HR departments may find them useful in recruiting efforts.

In conclusion, Michelle Garrett’s article underscores the enduring importance of press releases in the ever-evolving landscape of public relations and marketing. Despite the proliferation of digital communication tools, press releases remain indispensable for their ability to unify company messaging, provide journalists with credible information, and enhance brand visibility and trust. Garrett’s principal idea is clear: press releases are not relics of the past but vital instruments that, when strategically utilized, can significantly amplify a company's narrative and maintain its relevance in the marketplace. As communicators, recognizing and leveraging this potential is essential for sustained success.

Download the free eBooks “How to Be More Strategic with Your Press Releases“ and "How to Improve Your Media Outreach" available from Notified.