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The Open Manifesto: A Call To Arms For Open Business


A Call To Arms For Open Business

This is our manifesto for open business.Being open is transforming business outcomes and changing businesses for good.In the spirit of transparency, co-creation and collaboration, we are sharing it with you. It is yours to use, adapt and build upon, and share.We, ________________, believe in being Open.Open to new ideas, new thinking, new imagining, new possibilities. This is how we will build the future. Together.We believe the future is not just about us. But about all of us.We believe in inclusiveness. And in business that stands for something bigger than profits.We believe in bringing the future to the present. And that the future requires collaboration to solve challenges big and small.We believe that in an always-on, fast-moving, connected world, it is business critical to let the outside in, and that in this age of exponential change, no one can do it alone. Our fortunes and futures are inextricably linked, and the time of secrecy, guardedness and closed doors is past.We believe that walls are for sharing, not shielding.We believe in open source and co-creation. And that ideas can evolve and make quantum leaps when they are shared and freed and built upon. We believe in being open to the outside world, because that is where the most fascinating and curious minds exist, and they can challenge us and inspire us and help us on our journey.We believe in business where people take ownership. Where people bring themselves to work with all their humanity, diversity and passions, free of judgment, and are valued and rewarded for their candor, for their eclectic, exhilarating, unpredictable ideas, abilities and viewpoints.We believe that our actions build upon each other, adding layers of knowledge and experience, and in doing so they bring us together as one in an amazing journey to open minds and create new possibilities.We believe being open is a journey. And a journey can start from anywhere and take many paths. But it always begins with just one step.This is our Open Manifesto for Open Business.We believe that Open Business will change business for good. For the better. And for ever.So this Open Manifesto is not just ours, it’s yours. To build upon and to share again.#OpenManifesto originated by @sparksandhoney 2016Download your copy of The Open Manifesto