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The Revolution Will Be Pink

Do you speak the language of your next customer? Learn transitionSince the 1970s, New York Times photographer Bill Cunningham has been doing a close-reading of street fashion in New York City. Sometimes, he'll note an aesthetic trend, parse a color or shape, and move on to the next day.But in a recent video segment titled "Free Spirits," he says there's a revolution in fashion, and it's happening in menswear.Referring to a man wearing a pink coat with interesting stitching, he says, "This fantastic molded coat tells us a whole new story of shaping in the color pink. Men and women wear it, there's no sex difference, it's all the same. You can't imagine when I saw this I was like, 'Wow...' I have now seen the third sex. It's not male, it's not female. It's something else. And that's what's happening in menswear."This "explosion in free expression" among "young men who are not holding back" is an example of a trend we are tracking called Blurred ID, in which the conventions of the gender binary are no longer as rigid. Real men don't wear pink? Yeah they do. With earrings, guy-liner, and a murse. Daily updates on the new language of gender – subscribe now.