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The Right Digital Marketing Approach for Instagram

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

About 40 percent of online adults in the US say they use Instagram. It is most popular with users from their mid 20s to early 30s.  Businesses can engage on Instagram with the right digital marketing approach.

Have a Content Strategy

Attracting followers and getting their attention is all about sharing the right content. Effective content builds trust, entertains, and inspires.

A content strategy is the plan of action to present your brands to your target audience. It names the types of content to share, the resources needed to develop it, and the timing of postings, among other details.The right strategy for your brand accounts for your goals and the broader brand presence you're looking to build.

Build a Visual Story

Instagram is a visual platform. Brands seeking to engage on Instagram must offer visually compelling content - beautiful, artful, striking.

Visuals are key to get users to stop and pay attention.

Investing in great images and video is a must. Instagram offers an array of filters and other tools for improving visual presentation. Establishing a clear look and feel will help people to understand your brand.

Create Discussions

Getting connections is great. Turning those connections into people who are actively interested in your brand is even better. You want people to move you toward your goal of sales, taking action, sharing your information, etc.

Conversations created through Q&A, polls, and comments convert followers to engaged participants. Seek to create conversation through all of your activity on Instagram.