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PR Council Announces The SHEQUALITY Project

The PR Council is proud to announce a new initiative, aptly named The SHEQUALITY Project, designed to help women executives rise in the ranks of public relations agencies. SHEQUALITY aims to create a consistent pipeline of strong female leaders, mentors and allies, to engender more women leaders and equality in the top positions at PR firms of all sizes.

The initiative was sparked by female board members of the PR Council who would like to see their peers achieve success by sharing the tools, knowledge and pathways to help them reach their career goals.The SHEQUALITY mandate is to build women’s skills, advocate for an environment of equality regarding gender pay, career opportunities, financial backing/funding and creating more champions for women in the PR workforce. 

The SHEQUALITY Project from PR Council on Vimeo.

Specific activities under The SH EQUALITY Project’s umbrella are regional networking dinners, workshops and events and content creation to raise awareness and educate others on the topic, including the video above produced by the film team at Weber Shandwick. Three workshops planned in 2017 include: 1.    “Acing Operations & Financial Management” - May 2017
  • Financial management and operations for rising female executives

2.    “Owning & Navigating the Room” - August 2017

  • Perception of women in leadership, personal branding and unconscious bias

3.    “Choosing Your C-Suite Seat” - November 2017

  • Strategic networking, executive coaches and women who inspire

If you would like more information on The SHEQUALITY Project and how you can get involved, please sign up below.SheQualityProject - PR Council - Learn More