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Three Reminders on Social Media for Lead Generation

More and more brands report that they use social media to generate leads and new business. Here are current best practices for using social media to boost business.

Use Multiple Social Platforms

Every social channel you use increases the potential for reach and effectiveness. Integrating and interconnecting those platforms also enhances connection with audiences online. Be sure to leverage all the platforms used by your target customers and clients.

Be Engaging

It’s not enough to post content and links to your website. Post interesting content that is useful to your customer. Bonus points for doing that in a fun way. Visuals and video are still great ways to capture attention if they are done well.

Be Interactive

Connect with customers on social beyond your own accounts. Comment and share their posts. Join groups and share ideas and help that aren’t direct sells. Businesses that effectively create positive impressions and beneficial relationships online are positioned to gain customers and reinforce relationships with existing customers.