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Time to Connect with Millennials

Jill KurtzBy Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyMillennials are a generation (and a marketing target ) that is larger than the Baby Boomers. It’s time we stopped targeting all of our content strategy on the boomers and take note of how to reach the 80 million Millennials in America.Goodbye Mass Media, Hello Targeted ConnectionsThese young consumers have their own set of values and expectations, which marketers must learn in order to connect with them. The mindset needs to move away from mass media and mass appeal to carefully targeted communications.As a group, Millennials are less likely to be influenced by ads and things that come off as ads. Reaching this generation involves building relationships with targeted individuals who need what you have to offer. Millennials don’t respond well to being a member of a large target audience.They want to be catered to more directly. To reach Millennials, target, target, target.Build RelationshipsMillennials are open to connecting with brands. But, like people, they expect brands to offer genuine relationships with them. They expect two-way interactions. Trust is built through these exchanges.Millennials are generally hyper connected to social media, but too often blogs are overlooked as a great way to connect with this group. Blogs can provide authentic interactions between brand managers and millennial consumers.Studies show that today’s young consumers are looking to blogs rather than traditional media for guidance. That’s not surprising since these consumers seek to communicate with people, not ads.So, blogging is a stronger communication channel than ever if you want to reach Millennials. Post that share a human voice, that invite comment and action, and that show an interest in the life and interests of these young consumers can generate the relationship that this audience craves. [author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]