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Tips for Picking the Best Images for Your Online Messaging

Jill Kurtz

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

When you’re selecting images for your website, social posts and other online efforts, you want to maintain a look and feel that’s true to your brand. Take time to define the factors that make a visual “on brand” and use only those that fit.

If you’ve ever been tempted to insert cartoon clip art that would look out of place on your sleek, minimalist website, follow these photo tips and that will help you choose images that are both on point and on brand.

Pay Attention to Look and Feel

Stock imagery is a great way to add visual interest to a blog post, a page on your website, or your homepage. Stock images are fine, as long as they fit with your site’s overall look and feel.

Home page images, which are often very large, play an important role in defining your brand’s aesthetic. This image should guide you as you choose images for other parts of your site.

Choose complementary images. By thinking about the overall look of your site, you’ll be more likely to choose images that are consistent and on brand.

Your Own Images Are Best

Stock photos can work, but your own images are generally best. Create one-of-a-kind website images that align with your brand.

Luckily, you don’t need to be a professional photographer or own expensive software to make simple but powerful edits to your images. A basic crop can help. A filter can instantly change the mood of a photo. Add words to images when you want to incorporate a company name or slogan or important details.

Tell Your Story with Images

Modern web and social media platforms make it easy to add visual flair. Use slideshows and galleries to help tell your story online.