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Guidelines for Planning Your 2017 Content

guidelines-for-planning-your-2017-contentAccording to a recent research report by the Content Marketing Institute, Sixty-two percent of B2B marketers say their organization’s overall approach to content marketing has been much more successful now versus last year. Attributed to this success are two factors: doing a better job with content creation (85%) and developing or adjusting their content marketing strategy (72%). As we approach 2017, are you adequately preparing your content to drive more results? Here are five things to consider when planning your 2017 content:

  1. Carefully analyze your 2016 data and derive insights that you can use for 2017. Which channels performed the best? Was there a specific content topic or thought leader that you can correlate to spikes or dips in your analytics? Also take into account the timing of the content you published in 2016 – was there a high-performing month, day of the week, or time of day that particularly resonated? Replicate what caused those spikes, and remove content initiatives that didn’t hit the mark.
  2. Take into account emerging channels. By now, you’re well aware of the tried and true channels: emails, direct mail, phone, search, review sites, social media, press releases, website and blogs. Which of those channels receive the greatest response rate from your content? Is there a network that has been dwindling in engagement or response? That may mean that your community is migrating to another network. Look at new social media networks, apps or even events. What about influencers – are you utilizing those relationships as a channel to share brand messages that may resonate more? This channel is proving to be one of marketing’s most popular tactics today.
  3. Look outside the norm, especially when it comes to dates and events. Using an editorial calendar to map out your content strategy can help ensure that what you’re distributing will be as effective as possible. Once you’ve planned content around your usual seasons or holidays, start researching events, milestones or even months that celebrate causes that may relate to your brand. For example, if you’re a women’s health brand, you’d want to plan content around Breast Cancer Awareness month, or if you’re a non-profit that helps the homeless or displaced, you may want to run a campaign in February because it’s National Canned Food Month.

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