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Top 20 DAM Software - Capterra Releases New Report

A CommPRO News Update

While most software market-share reports use revenue as a primary metric, giving an undue advantage to higher-priced solutions, Capterra’s Popularity Report is the only report--online or offline--which determines market-share based on how many people and businesses actually use the software. And today's Popularity Report is a little more helpful than yesterday's, offering a Market Score and refreshed social metrics to give buyers a more accurate look at the market. In addition to a redesign and formula changes, Capterra has added 4 new DAM vendors with this update. This is a space that is dominated by small and medium sized vendors who are fiercely competitive, and the relatively equal playing field (in that are no clear "giants" controlling the market) means that there are still new players pushing to the top. digital-asset-management-software-v3