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Top SEO Statistics You Probably Didn't Know About

Josh Wardini, Community Manager, WebmastersjuryDid you know making content relevant for the keywords people are searching is a vital part of improving your business’ online presence?It doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a beginner who has no idea how SEO works, this aspect of digital marketing requires that you constantly keep up with the latest standards.As a beginner, you should know that when people search keywords (related to your site) on search engines, they are likely to get a link to your site as one of the results to their search. It is not that simple though. These search results depend on some parameters like location, user’s history, etc. But most importantly, it depends on getting your site’s SEO done right.With tools like Google AdWords, Google Keyword Planner, and Microsoft Bing Ads, you can find common keywords and phrases used by would-be consumers.So, how do you get all the other information you need before you embark on a search engine optimization journey? Easy, you go through the infographic below which shows some basics, including the history of search optimization, Google algorithm shifts, an outline of the leading search platforms, SEO developments, etc.Here are a few quick stats and tips to give you a jumpstart:

  • SEO is fundamental in influencing the ranking of websites. i.e. It is responsible for a link to a website being listed as one of the first few on the first page of a search engine’s result upon queries relevant to the said website.
  • According to SEO Tribunal, 67,000 searches are conducted on Google every second. This means a lot of potential for your site if you do your SEO correctly..
  • In the search engine world, the top 5 results get 75.7% of the clicks so concentrating your efforts on a few words and building content around those terms would work best. You don’t want to build content for different keywords as that would not produce desired results.

The SEO Tribunal infographic contains more details and statistics about search engine optimization. You may find it informative and useful.