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Twofer: Facebook Business Page and Blog

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyForehead slap of the day: a Facebook business page and a blog are really the same thing on two different platforms. I just cut your time in half to keep both current, as you can post the same content in both places. You’re welcome!Seriously, as I work with my clients on their digital strategy, I am always saying – “Great Facebook post, now use that content at your blog.” And vice versa. These two great digital marketing strategies are very complimentary.Facebook is a social platform that reaches a huge audience of daily users. The potential reach is awesome, but it is a crowded space. The content there is fed into news streams that include your posts and a raft of posts from other people and businesses.A blog is yours alone, with a smaller audience but no competition from other content providers. This gives your content more prominence but a smaller potential reach than Facebook.Sharing the same content in both places won’t likely be seen by the same person twice. Even if someone sees it twice, that’s actually good news for you. The repeated content is likely to be remembered better than the first post.Here’s what I suggest: Write your next content idea as a blog post. You want to publish at least 500 words and an image. Grab the link. Write a short two sentence teaser on Facebook and include the link to your post. Now you are sharing content in two places and driving people to your blog.OrWait two weeks. Take the idea of that blog post and condense it into 1-2 paragraphs. Use the same image or another image. Post to Facebook. This gives your Facebook followers more great content without even having to click.Voila! Either way, you now have great content in two places from just one idea.[author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]