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Video Will Shape Marketing In 2017

blue-stoermerBy Blue Stoermer, Contributor Bloggers BoatVideo marketing has taken a quantum leap and has proved to be one of the fastest growing marketing segments. According to recent studies, video will account for as much as three-quarters of internet traffic by 2017.A recent study revealed that only 70% of marketers are giving priority to video content and also suggests that companies should ensure investing in video marketing if they want to increase site traffic and, consequently, sales.Video will account for 75% of all internet traffic by 2017. So, it goes without saying that you need to stay ahead of the competition. This is why we’ve assembled these video marketing trends that will shape 2017.Growth in Facebook videosThis shouldn’t come as a surprise as daily views on Facebook have accelerated from 1 billion to 8 billion in the last year. Text posts are declining in popularity at a rapid pace. Facebook has made heavy re-adjustments in their investment in video with Facebook Live, launched a few months back. If Facebook keeps playing the role of an innovator in the video marketing industry, analysts predict that 2017 will see a huge increase in the number of people uploading and sharing videos on Facebook.Increasing popularity of Live videosConsumers and brands alike have been using Facebook Live to communicate in an immediate way with their followers. In a similar manner, Twitter connected with Periscope to let people embed live broadcasts into tweets. Nearly 85% of users watch videos on Twitter regularly.Multi-channel marketingGone are the days when a company would create a video, upload it through YouTube and get back to their other marketing tasks. Social media platforms have become the best place to upload videos, share them and gain exposure for a brand. This trend is predicted to grow to a different level in 2017. A majority of consumers are watching videos on various devices and social media channels.Increase in video resources for marketing teamsWatching a video is one of the easiest ways of digesting information and is as effective as seeing a product before buying it. This is the reason behind the predictions of marketing teams being in need of more and more video resources in next year. Studies reveal that only 4% of people prefer learning about a product by reading about it, 5% speak to someone and 45% prefer watching a video online to get to know about the product.Boost in popularity of video appsMillenials love visual content. The popularity of apps like Snapchat and Instagram confirm this. 10 billion videos are watched every day on Snapchat, and Instagram is rapidly focusing more attention on video rather than photos.It looks like 2017 is definitely going to be the year of video marketing.[author]About The Author: Blue Stoermer is a graduate of Franklyn University with a degree in E-Marketing. He is an industry blog contributor and runs multiple marketing projects for comapnies in various B2B sectors. He is based in Kolkata India.[/author]