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Virtual Interviews: 5 Tips To Acing The Techology

virtual.interviewVirtual interviews are the new reality.  Thanks to new technologies, companies are using virtual interview software to screen candidates, find any red flags and not spend time and money on travel.  A virtual interview allows the parties to meet and interact.  It can be a live two-way conversation on Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangout, or it can be a pre-recorded interview.  In the latter, an employer will pre-record questions and the application will give the candidates a limited time to respond.  Virtual interviews have their own challenges.  If you are facing this type of interview, here are some tips to help you:1.  Have the right equipment.  Invest in a webcam and, if possible, use a tripod.  Don't depend on your iPhone.  Make sure you test the equipment and internet connectivity the day before the interview.  Technology glitches do happen and they can stress you out and also can give the impression you are not tech-savvy.2.  Remember it's video.  You can been seen.  Make sure you are dressed business-like and that your background is neat.   Don't have a window behind you as lighting can be a problem.  Similarly, a white shirt without a jacket can make you look washed out.   Turn off  the TV or radio and make sure your children or pets don't interrupt you.3.  Make eye contact.  What you must remember is that you can't look at the interviewer on the screen, you must look at the camera in order to make eye contact.  Make sure the camera is at eye level.4.  Watch your body language.  Sit up straight and lean in.  Don't slouch or fidget.  You want to look engaged and interested.5.  Say hello and goodbye.  You can't shake hands during a virtual interviewer.  So be prepared to greet the interviewer and to thank them to end the conversation.Most importantly, be yourself.