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Employed And Want A New Job? 5 Steps To Follow

Marie Raperto, The Hiring HubEmployed but bored, unhappy and ready to move on?Making the decision to move on can be difficult but finding a job when you have a job can be even more difficult.  If you are currently employed and want to start looking, keep these steps in mind:

  • Make time for your job search.  Your current employer is paying you so your time at work belongs to them.  Keep your job search out of the office.  Don't search online for jobs, send emails or make phone calls related to your search.  Schedule time in the evenings and on weekends to do your research and contacting.
  • Network.  Actually, you should ever stop networking.  The more contacts you have, the more eyes you have looking for opportunities.
  • Don't announce your search.  If you are employed, watch what you say/post online.  You never know who will see it.
  • Schedule interviews outside office hours, if you can.  If you can't, let the recruiter or scheduler know that you only have a certain amount of time.  They will understand.
  • Don't use anyone at your current employer as a reference.  You can give the hiring company a name, if they request one, after you resign.

You may be ready to leave but a job is still a job.  Be respectful of your current employer and don't burn any bridges.