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Warm Up Your Thumbs: Texting Now Needed at Work

Jill KurtzJill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyRecently, I needed to get help from someone I don’t interact with all the time. Being a solid Gen X communicator (we love emails and are very business-like about them), I sent her two very specific emails about what I needed. The deadline approached and no response.I wasn’t able to call, so I tried a text. Immediate response! Turns out, as I work with millennials in the workplace, texting will become an increasingly important tool.According to a new report by OpenMarket, texting is cited as the most preferred communication channel for receiving notifications from businesses for people aged 18-34. Millennials’ cite texting as a great means for two-way communication that is convenient, fast, and easy to use.Here are some important stats if you want to work with or market to Millennials:

  • 60% of Millennials want to be able to text their preferred businesses
  • On average, they now receive five or fewer messages a week from companies
  • 20% don’t receive any texts from business at all

So, warm up those thumbs. If you are able to tap texting as a means of communicating, you may rise above all the others who want to reach millennials.[author]About the Author: Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]