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What CMOs are Thinking About

Sheryl Pattek, VP, Principal Analyst Serving CMO’s, of Forrester joins Doug Simon, President & CEO of D S Simon to discuss what CMOs are thinking about and how they are trying to understand consumer behavior.“What we see as being on the minds of our CMO clients is thinking about how the marketplace is changing where empowered customers are really driving the needs for marketers to adapt their strategies to be more customer centric than company or product centric. They are rethinking their approach to be outside in rather than inside out.”“CMO’s are also struggling to integrate this omni-channel approach and understanding customer behavior by having that singular view of customer behavior across all those channels.”“Align your communications and your approaches to be on the right channels, with the right content, at the right time in the buyer’s journey to match up what you are doing with the buyer’s needs.” Website: Forrester ResearchTwiiter: @DSSimonDougBio: Sheryl Pattek