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What is Content Intelligence? How Can it Help You Create High-Quality Content with Confidence?

ci-coverThe supply of online content has outpaced demand, leaving content marketers in a position where they are getting less effective each year. Despite being less effective, over 76% of marketers plan to create more content this year than last year.To be effective, marketers can’t rely on only creating more content. The cycle is unsustainable, ineffective, and creates more of a problem than it solves. Instead, marketers need to embrace data-driven methodologies that tie to business results.Content intelligence is the science of identifying and predicting the content topics and themes that provide the most value to your audiences. It answers the question, “What content should I write?”Content intelligence brings together many different practices – content audits, buyer personas, channel optimization, website analytics, social listening, competitive intelligence, and more – into a single process.The evolving state of content marketing has left communicators at a crossroads where they can either embrace content intelligence to make data-driven decisions, or simply hope for the best as the world changes around them. 


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