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What Is Marketing Automation & Why Is It Important?

Frank Hamilton, Translator

A well-developed marketing strategy is an important component of your business success. Fierce competition forces you to work hard to stay afloat. Fortunately, nowadays, most of the marketing processes can and should be automated. Using marketing automation tools effectively can help you work smarter, not harder.

Marketing Automation: The Essence and Importance

Simply put, marketing automation involves the use of software platforms and agencies. These platforms provide your audience with the content they need at the right time. Automation includes email messages, social media management, sales, and other processes related to analytics, audience engagement, and planning.

In 2020, 75% of companies have already used at least one marketing automation tool. Why is it worth implementing marketing automation? This is a modern approach to business and an opportunity for employees to redirect their skills and efforts to more complex and vital business tasks.

For example, some companies are trying to implement a guest posting strategy on their own. To get a real effect, you need at least three specialists to search for the right platforms and several writers who will create content for the platforms.

As a result, it turns out that you need to involve at least 5 employees to complete this task. Instead, automating your guest posting strategy with a platform like allows you to replace the efforts of 5 specialists to complete this task. Moreover, the cost of services will be much lower than the salary of 5 employees.

The same can be done with social media, email marketing, and analytics. Therefore, the importance of marketing automation lies in the fact that you can spend your team's time on more important, complex, creative tasks, and smartly reduce your staff, leaving only experts. Accordingly, you will be able to reduce marketing capital investments. Isn't that what modern business owners want?

Key Benefits of Marketing Automation

Digital marketing is constantly dictating new rules for both business owners and professionals. If you don't respond in time, you can miss out on making a profit.

Agencies and automated marketing platforms are among the first to respond to all innovations and strive to offer modern solutions. This means you don't have to worry about you or your team missing out on something. But this is not the only advantage that marketing automation offers. Below we list the essential advantages of this approach. 

  • Personalize your marketing strategy. Automation is capable of providing information about consumer behavior. This allows you to understand your customers, and automation allows you to provide the right content to the right customer, at the right time.
  • Build loyal audiences. How much effort does a company need to take to gain loyal customers and target audiences? Automation allows you to create a strong connection between your target audience and your brand in auto mode.
  • Improve customer interaction. Marketing automation allows you to provide uninterrupted customer service. Automation allows to connect with the customer and maintain interest through content until the moment of purchase.
  • Boost Your ROI. Investments in marketing do not always bring the expected results, but only become another column of expenses. According to statistics, 76% of companies that spent money on automation received a return in the first year.
  • Gain valuable analytical insights. Automation allows you to receive a lot of information that will help to revise your marketing strategy and hit the target. At the same time, statistics can be obtained in real-time, mainly in the form of detailed reports.
  • Reduce employee costs. Automation allows for replacing employees engaging in routine tasks with advanced and customizable software. For example, there are a lot of email marketing services, platforms for social media automation, PPC campaigns launch, and much more. Thus, you should set it up once, and then, change and retarget your campaigns according to your current marketing strategy and business needs. As for your staff, you may hire only those who will help you on the path to digital transformation and suggest really relevant marketing ideas. 


Time and money are key to marketing. The advantage of marketing automation is that the team gets time to complete more creative tasks than writing reports and dealing with routine. Automation also shows where to invest, which significantly reduces marketing costs. Automation opens up more opportunities to strategize, create content, and address prior consumer needs. At the same time, it really justifies all the costs and allows the business to reach a completely new level. 

Frank HamiltonAbout the Author: Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.