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What We're Not Talking About In Companies

Free Webinar: Tuesday, February 19

What We're Not Talking About In Companies


Today’s workforce is a different breed from the dedicated 9-5’ers of yesteryear; this makes employee retention an entirely new ballgame.

Decades ago, 40 hours a week at a menial job could buy a house, a car, and a middle-class lifestyle for an entire family. Those days are over. Today’s workers may not intend to create a family and sustain it in the traditional sense; both partners in a relationship usually go to work every week.

In this webinar, we’ll look at what employees are really saying. A whopping 71% of employees are unhappy with their managers and 65% are saying they would give up a pay increase for a better boss.

Through several case studies from Tina Greenbaum, Laura Maish and Sara Mills-Krutilek who specialize in different sectors of the corporate arena, we’ll look at some typical problems facing both the employee and employer and offer some very practical solutions.