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What’s Trending, So Far, This Year in Marketing Communications

As the publisher of CommPRO, I want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for being loyal readers of CommPRO and participants in our events. Your unwavering support and engagement have been instrumental in our now 12 year journey as a communications industry resource. As we continue to strive for excellence in delivering valuable content and insights, your trust and readership inspire us to push boundaries and raise the bar even higher.

We are grateful for your continued engagement with our articles, interviews, thought-provoking pieces and events. Your feedback, comments, and shares have fostered a vibrant community of professionals who are passionate about advancing the field of communications.

After launching the new CommPRO at the start of this year, I am thrilled to share that our top performing articles and events so far in 2023 focused on a wide range of important topics for the industry. From trends in public relations to insights from industry leaders, these articles provided our community with valuable information and insights.

Here are some of the themes that emerged from our top performing articles and events:

  • The importance of diversity and inclusion in communications: Our readers were eager to learn more about how to create more inclusive workplaces and campaigns.

  • The need for data-driven communications: Readers were interested in learning more about how to use data to measure the effectiveness of their PR and marketing efforts.

  • The importance of storytelling in brand management: Readers were interested in learning more about how to tell compelling stories that would resonate with their target audiences.

  • And the theme that has emerged as the most impactful to our industry is the rise of AI in communications. Our readers have been insatiable in learning about what AI can do for the marketing and communications industries.

We understand that your time and attention are valuable commodities. Our commitment to you is to consistently deliver high-quality, timely, and relevant content that informs, educates, and sparks meaningful conversations. We will continue to explore emerging trends, feature expert voices, and provide valuable resources to support your professional growth.

I am grateful to our readers for their continued support of CommPRO. Your engagement is what makes our work possible. I am also grateful to our contributors, who share their expertise and insights with our community. Thank you for supporting CommPRO!