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#2 MOST-READ REPORT in 2017: Influencer Marketing: Why it’s Critical and How You Can Get Started [GUIDE]

Influencer Marketing: Best Practices for Getting StartedJenny Force, VP of Marketing, SysomosInfluencer marketing has huge pay-offs, but getting started is hard. We’re here to help. Download our guide below and read on to see how our upcoming content series will enable you to build an influencer program that drives results.


Consumers are constantly being bombarded with marketing messages every day. Because of the growth of social media, mobile messaging and traditional advertising, we can’t escape the constant barrage of videos, short messages and images vying for our attention.  Let’s face it, there’s too much noise and not enough signal.For brands and agencies, getting your message through the varying array of filters is a huge challenge. The most effective form of advertising is word of mouth. Yes, this is common knowledge but in the 21st century, how do we do word of mouth in these modern, connected times?Cue influencer marketing, which is the practice of building mutually* beneficial relationships with conversation leaders in key verticals, thereby expanding the reach of messages and introducing your brand and topic to new audiences in a scalable and cost-effective way.This all sounds great, but let’s consider some figures to drive home the point:

  • 95% of consumers trust recommendations of others, even strangers online, over branded content (Nielsen)
  • When a brand prompts consumer led, word-of-mouth messaging, the ROI increases 2x over paid advertising and has a 37% higher retention rate
  • 81% of marketers say influencer marketing is effective

Welcome to Our Influencer Marketing Series

We’re so excited by and passionate about influencer marketing that we’ve developed a series of materials that will help you find the right influencers, engage with and establish trusted influencer relationships and ultimately reach your audience in the best way possible – through voices they trust.From eBooks to infographics and helpful blog posts, our series kicks off today. Get started by downloading our A-Z Guide to Influencer Marketing.

Start By Downloading Our Guide!

From Advocating to Zeal, we cover 26 tips you should consider when engaging in an influencer marketing program. The guide will start with finding the right influencers to building relationships and advocacy and can help brand and agency influencer marketers alike.

But, Please, Stay Tuned!

We believe in influencer marketing so passionately that we’re dedicating the coming weeks to the cause. Also, we love you, our readers and customers, so we want to arm you with tips, tricks and tactics that will enable you to build a kick-ass influencer campaign that drives results, impresses your CMO and nets you a dedicated group of influencers who will have your back.

Stay up to date by checking back here!

*Notice we said “mutually beneficial” here. It’s our position that influencer marketing needs to aid the influencer in the relationship as well. Many agencies and brands view influencers as just another outlet for their messaging or pay influencers to merely mention their brands on their social channels; but effective influencer marketing magic happens when influencers and brands work hand-in-hand to create fantastic content and messaging that’s most relevant to the audience originally targeted.