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Why Workers Will Continue to Quit in Droves

Why workers will continue to quit in droves 

New data reveals what’s fueling the astonishing wave of resignations—and highlights how companies can turn the tide toward retention.

Robby Brumberg, Ragan Communications“The Great Resignation” is actually pretty straightforward.Sure, it’s a culmination of multitudes of factors—including the various traumas inflicted by the pandemic. Employees are also certainly seizing this moment of leverage to secure a more lucrative gig. But it’s also very much about workers’ pursuit of flexibility and autonomy.The Conference Board’s latest workforce survey backs this notion, reporting that a quarter of employees who’ve recently changed jobs did so for the ability to work from wherever they please. The survey, which gathered feedback from more than 1,200 U.S. workers, also confirms that workplace flexibility plays a key role in supporting workers’ mental health.[FREE GUIDE: Cut-Through Comms That Drive 100% Engagement]But are companies listening to what their employees are telling them? The data might offer some hints.Ten key findings from the survey include:1. Among workers who quit during the pandemic, a quarter did so for the ability to work from anywhere.Continue reading here...