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Why You Should Start an Email Newsletter in 2016

Contrary to popular belief, email is not dead, nor is it dying.In fact, McKinsey states that email marketing is 40 times more effective at gaining customers than social media giants Facebook or Twitter (or both combined!).If you haven't started an email newsletter, you're likely missing out seeing that this marketing strategy yields approximately 4,300 percent ROI on average.Need more convincing? Check out these reasons to start an email newsletter program:

1. Versatile

While retail emails may follow a similar format, each individual email is as unique as a snowflake. Some include a curated list of links, while others are primarily visual. Emails allow you to get creative with how you present information and test performance to determine future templates.

2. Mobile-Friendly

If you want to reach your readers, ensure your emails are mobile-friendly. Today, people are more likely to open emails on their mobile devices, so think small. Make it easy to click on your links, share your news or look at the visuals you include in your emails while on the go.

3.  Personalized

Segment for your audience's niches. By personalizing your email newsletter, you'll see higher click-through rates and lower unsubscribe rates.

4. Measurable

Depending on which email marketing program you use, you can monitor everything from delivery rates to unique URLs. Emails are easy to monitor and measure, making it a lot simpler to prove ROI to superiors.

Want all 16 reasons you should implement an email newsletter program? Read the full post here.