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Will You Read This?

Jill Kurtz, Owner,Kurtz Digital Strategy

Wondering if your audience will read your content is a valid concern. Publishing content does not ensure that it will be read, let alone reach new audiences. You can’t expect everyone in your audience to view and share all the content you produce. However, there are things you can do to increase the chances that your content will be seen.

Focus on quality over quantity.

Don’t publish boring content! Make sure every piece speaks to your audience and their needs and interests.

Be personable.

People don’t bond with brands for their corporate speak and strict adherence to message points. People connect with people.No one has the same way of looking at things, stories, and examples as you. Be you.Also be a thought leader. Don’t spend time repeating what everyone knows. Thought leadership content that provides real-life examples and your expert insight will get eyeballs.

Build a network.

Great content requires a great network. Every br@jakprproand needs advocates to grow and reach new audiences.Network and make connections, in person at events and virtually via social media. Be mindful to have two ways exchanges – listen and interact with their content as much as they do with yours.