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Working in PR for Metaverse Brands

Will the Metaverse be Meta-Worse - Commentary

The metaverse is a place where the physical and digital worlds turn into one, and where people can work, socialize, and play in a brand new digital reality. A number of brands, such as Gucci, Meta, Warner Bros, Balenciaga, and more, have already expanded their reach into these virtual spaces through various strategies.


A great way for a number of companies to sustain their PR efforts and connect with the target audience in the metaverse is by creating partnerships with other businesses. However, it's important to note that to keep the target audiences engaged in a partnership, brands have to create exclusive collections for those partnerships in the digital space. This will solve a lot of the problems of both the virtual and real roles in terms of catering to consumers.

Reputation management

The metaverse is considered to be a very democratic version of the Internet, and the platform is going to give open access to both brands and users. That means companies have to maintain their reputation all the time in the Metaverse, which can be quite challenging . Companies will have to work with crisis communicators and PR agencies to manage all the different queries, feedback, and virtual criticism they'll  receive in the new digital space. The metaverse might be similar to social media in terms of reputation management, where companies will need to keep track of all the conversations that people are having about them in order to get ahead of any potentially negative situations that might damage their reputation.

Employee relations

As the metaverse becomes more popular and widely accepted, there's bound to be a time in the future when employees start asking their employers to allow them to work from this new digital space. By allowing them to work in the metaverse, companies will have to keep their employees engaged through different engagement opportunities. That means businesses will need to have an in-depth understanding of virtual human resources, digital communications, and the latest technologies and tools within the metaverse.


One of the biggest and most popular tools that public relations professionals have been using since the conception of PR is storytelling. With the metaverse being a new, less controlled product of the Internet, PR agencies and professionals will need to get a lot more creative. There are going to be plenty of storytelling opportunities regarding the  different ways that PR professionals can execute and create brand new out-of-the-box campaign ideas that weren't possible in the real world.