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Would You Know A Perfect Pitch If You Saw One Hanging In Your Closet?

Among the most important communications in my line of work—public relations-- are the pitches we send out not just to media, but to prospective clients.  

You’ve no doubt heard of someone with perfect pitch in music?  Well, there’s such a thing in PR too—well, sometimes!  

Here is certainly a timely one we just sent to a popular fast-fashion retainer in Singapore that’s received some bad press lately, Shein, pronounced SHE-in.  So, depending on their response, we’ll soon know how perfect it was.

It contains the three most important elements in any pitch to a prospective client.  First the credibility of the pitcher—our firm.  Next, the PR problem, and finally, our proposed solution, which will have a major positive outcome.  

So, here’s the hopefully perfect, definitely timely pitch we just sent to Shein.

Dear _________, 

I’m the CEO of TransMedia Group, a public relations firm with many years of experience in crisis management which has helped some of America’s largest companies to weather storms of bad press.  Our programs have helped companies improve not only their reputations, but their businesses immensely.  As we see you’ve been subjected to a lot of bad press lately, know that we can quickly turn that around with effective, strategic PR. 

While Shein is a great company whose fashion products are so popular, particularly among young customers here in the U.S., we’re also seeing the intense criticism Shein is receiving over its past business and labor practices in China, even though you’re now headquartered in Singapore.  We’re also seeing how you’re paying for influencers to come to Singapore to check out how much you’ve improved your operations.  

Still much of your efforts to clean up your image is backfiring among many who believe you’re just stacking the deck, blowing smoke.

And we can dispel that smoke and turn what appears like paid endorsements into more convincing factual evidence.

I started my award-winning, highly respected public relations firm TransMedia Group, in New York City when I left NBC, where I was the #2-ranked executive. We’re now headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.  I’m also an author of many books, countless blogs and articles appearing in major publications across the United States.  

And I have a plan that will vastly improve your reputation worldwide that I want to present to you as I’m confident it will do it quickly and effectively!  

The campaign will include our generating media exposure showing in a convincing manner how effectively you’ve improved your business and labor practices.  

We would also like to announce you will be bringing the genius of a world-famous fashion designer to your popular line.  

He is Alfredo Versace, the most talented member of the fashion famous Versace family, who’ll design some clothes your youthful customers will love as he has done so many times in the past.

I propose you invite Versace, myself and my Brazilian CFO Rita Pierotti to Singapore to meet with your top executives.  There we’ll observe whatever PR problems you may have and outline a solution in the form of a PR Plan that will heighten and forever cleanse your reputation, while improving sales and winning millions of new customers and friends for Shein.

I know the media well as I came from the media, having started as a news reporter for a major newspaper before directing PR at two major television networks.  And I see Shein as a great, uplifting story we could effectively tell in a believable manner, which will have lasting positive results. 


Thomas J. Madden, CEO

TransMedia Group