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Wunderkind’s New AI-Powered Platform Helps Marketers Find The Time To Be Creative

One of the promises of AI is automation… turning otherwise mundane tasks that take up the time of human resources into an afterthought. This automation then frees creative marketers to do what they do best (and want to do most)... be creative.

In recognition of this changing reality, Wunderkind has revamped its performance marketing platform with an AI-driven approach in the form of its new Autonomous Marketing Platform. AMP uses AI to process literally trillions of data points to automate such tasks as campaign setup, personalized marketing, and real-time performance optimization. 

AI of course is only as good as the data that informs it, which Wunderkind feels gives it a specific advantage in the market. Specifically, the AMP AI platform draws from Wunderkind’s flagship Identity Network, a proprietary identity graph that contains information on over 9 billion unique consumer devices and 1 billion opted-in consumer profiles which together observe some 2 trillion ecommerce events a year. 

This data allows Wunderkind’s AMP to not only recognize who’s visiting customer websites, but also automatically facilitate the creation and execution of personalized messaging at scale to each. “Our Autonomous Marketing Platform brings the full potential of our proprietary data and best practices to scale through AI,” noted Bill Ingram, CEO at Wunderkind. 

According to Wunderkind, AMP will serve as the foundation of a suite of use-specific applications, the first of which being a self-service creative workflow tool called Studio. 

Studio automates the production stage of design, streamlining the process so marketers can make real-time creative edits to the experiences launched in support of their campaigns. This includes using generative AI features to speed the development of copy, graphics, and more which marketers can then optimize themselves with last-mile adjustments. According to Wunderkind, Studio has reduced the time to launch campaigns by more than 50% for the clients who have had access to it so far. 

Molly Delp, VP, E-commerce and Digital Marketing at True Botanicals, shares the brand’s excitement for the new launches. “We love Wunderkind because it's a managed service that lets us focus on our day-to-day while their professional services team delivers the engagement and eCommerce revenue lift we need. The launch of Studio brings speed and agility to our revenue strategy.” Wunderkind professional services teams are actively servicing requests in the application with it rolling out to all client accounts soon.  

This investment in the platform and its connected applications complements Wunderkind’s award-winning managed service offering, which delivers more than $5 billion in guaranteed revenue every year for brands such as Uniqlo, CaseMate, Clarks and Omni Hotels. Wunderkind has proven to deliver more than 25% of total digital revenue for many clients.

For communicators, understanding and leveraging AI-driven platforms like Wunderkind's Autonomous Marketing Platform (AMP) is crucial to staying competitive and efficient in today's digital landscape. AMP's ability to process vast amounts of data and automate complex marketing tasks frees up valuable time, allowing communicators to focus on crafting creative, impactful messages that resonate with their audience. By utilizing AI to handle routine processes, marketers can enhance their strategic efforts, optimize engagement, and ultimately drive greater revenue. This shift not only elevates the quality of marketing campaigns but also ensures that brands can swiftly adapt to changing consumer behaviors and preferences, maintaining a dynamic and responsive presence in the market.