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Yes, Harry and Meghan Boldly Aired Their Grievances, Yet There are Other Takeaways From That Dramatic Docuseries

Yes, Harry and Meghan Boldly Aired Their Grievances, Yet There are Other Takeaways From That Dramatic Docuseries

Tom Madden,  Founder & CEO,TransMedia Group

Harry and Meghan seemed nowhere even near to being villainous in their six-part docuseries on Netflix, but some like the law firm representing Meghan’s half-sister Samantha see a vastly different Duchess of Sussex.

Attorney Peter Ticktin sees her as what her half-sister Samantha was reported to have called her in the tabloid press, “Princess Pushy.”  Only Ticktin sees her pushing away the truth.  

Meghan laments on Netflix she hasn’t seen her half-sister for over a decade and then for only half a day. 

“I don’t know your middle name. I don’t know your birthday and you claim you raised me and you’re calling me Princess Pushy?”

The Ticktin Law Group, which represents Samantha Markle in her suit for libel against her famous half-sister, sees a totally different picture than the slighted and mistreated Duchess as Meghan presents herself in interviews.

Citing as example of Meghan’s tendency to push truth out the door in interviews, Ticktin points to Meghan’s saying on Oprah that she and Prince Harry got the archbishop to attend and marry them three days before the public wedding.  

“Either she’s a bold-face prevaricator or the archbishop has Alzheimer’s because he does not have any recollection or records of any such wedding,” said Ticktin.  

“Meghan also pushes truth out the door about her family, and there are many examples of this in the program,” he said.

“Please do not excuse these people who are also untruthful about Queen Elizabeth, Prince William, and all the rest.  Boo Hoo Hoo!  This is all that this spoiled couple can do is ‘woe is me” performances for the great suffering they supposedly had to endure in their life of privilege.  

“In the process, they’ve caused great pain and harm to Meghan’s father and half-sister, among others,” said Ticktin.

The multitude of Harry and Meghan fans see a vastly different picture of the privileged couple, however.

Far from seeing them trying to tear down the royal family or build up their own respective brands, they’re seen as trying to “repair” personal damage and insult they’ve suffered.  This they see as more aptly describing their motives.  And they seem well into recovery.

What in fact many saw them do on Netflix was speak truth to power, as unpleasant as that might be for the all-powerful monarchy to hear, which had better role with the diversity times or they themselves might seem obsolescent and disappear from the main stage.

Certainly, for the attractive, mixed-race American divorcee, racism apparently played a role in the audacious tabloid treatment she received, not to mention the barely-disguised slights from within the royal family – that poor (now not so financially poor) Duchess of Sussex was subjected to in Britain.

The decidedly chilly reception the Duchess received after she married Harry was a major theme on one of the most popular programs ever on Netflix.

In the spotlight, she and Harry bared their souls, yet I couldn’t help thinking maybe she was unconsciously auditioning for future starring roles in Hollywood films.  She is indeed attractive.

So, what was really the main point of their cinematic appearance and storytelling?

Harry, I thought seemed intent on comparing his beautiful wife with his gorgeous mom, the late Princess Diana, who had her own slights and fights from and with the Royals and their allegiant press.

Ultimately, the main point of the series was how to deal with something pervasive in all societies, particularly at their highest and lowest levels—unacceptance. 

Harry and Meghan talked about freeing themselves from it, healing and moving on in another direction. 

The pair offered a powerful prescription that sometimes the best thing is to walk away from hopelessly toxic situations and find other pathways to achieving respect and fulfillment and sometimes that includes fleeing families, even though we still love them. 

Sometimes you have to choose yourself over others, even if they are part of a powerful and exalted institution.

It’s a vivid lesson in how to look after oneself when the upper crust and even people around you, but don’t live in your neighborhood, don’t seem to care if you survive.  In fact, they would rather you not thrive.

Thomas Madden

About the Author: Tom Madden thinks of himself as a royal writer of articles, books and blogs, such as his weekly scribes at and his latest book WORDSHINE MAN, full of tips on how to make writing inviting.  When not royally writing, Madden is CEO of TransMedia Group, the PR firm he started when he left his high perch at NBC and now gives his PR clients a royal publicity fanfares fit for kings and queens of commerce.