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Your Brand Secretly Needs These 10 Types of Video Pros

Your Brand Secretly Needs These 10 Types of Vidoe Pros - StoryHunterVideo is now more pervasive and immersive than ever before. As billions of people watch videos more often, and as formats like live and 360° inspire people to lean forward and interact with videos, marketers need to keep investing in video to best connect with their audiences. The challenge is that creating great videos requires having a great team at your disposal. Most marketers don’t even know what to look for, or who should be part of the crew that tells a brand’s story through video.Marketers need to find people who have the skills to deliver content that aligns with their brands’ vision. If you’re not sure where to begin, these ten types of video professionals will help you get off to a great start.

To learn more, download STORYHUNTER'S new white paper now.

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