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Your End-of-Year Social Media Checklist

Your End-of-Year Social Media Checklist You’ve spent the year focusing more on social media than you ever have in the past. But have you done everything you’re supposed to? Did you forget anything important? Use the following as your end-of-year checklist to ensure you covered your bases for social media. And if you missed anything, make sure to put it at the top of your to-do list for 2017. mobile-phone-1704781_1920 

  1. I Varied the Types of Content I Shared

Because you read this post, you know that constantly sharing self-promotional content on social media isn’t an effective strategy for getting your audience’s attention. Therefore, you put effort into diversifying what you posted to social media.If Not: Next year, create a social media calendar in advance so you can see all the updates you plan to share. This will make it easier to ensure your posts are diverse enough over a period of time. Make sure it’s aligned with your 2017 editorial calendar as well.

  1. I Built My Network with Intention

Attracting more followers on social sites is essential to spreading the reach of your business – but that doesn’t mean simply following anyone and everyone you come across. Purposeful interaction is key, and you were mindful of this in your networking strategy.If Not: Search for specific keywords or hashtags that pertain to your business or industry and follow people you find. Do follow people who follow your brand, but only if their bios indicate a connection to your target demographic.prn-blog-mid-ad-3 

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