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Your Online Portfolio: 3 Reasons You Need One

marie-rapertoBy Marie Raperto, The Hiring HubDon't have an online portfolio?  Part of building your personal brand is showing the world what you do.  Putting your writing and/or design samples, media clippings, speeches and other collateral pieces online can greatly build your presence.  That's what it's all about.  If you are out there, you will be found.  Your portfolio should be a reflection of who you are professionally.  It can also include personal samples if they are related to your field.  It should be reviewed and updated regularly.  No one wants to see samples that are 10+ years old.  Here's why you should build your portfolio:1.  To help your job search.  An online portfolio is another tool, just like your resume and cover letter.  It helps you have a stronger online presence and builds your credibility.2.  To help you be organized.  The days when candidates came into the office carrying their portfolio are gone.  Hiring managers and recruiters want to be able to review samples quickly.  Samples need to be extremely accessible and organized by type.3.  To help show your progression.  This doesn't mean showing samples that you did at the beginning of your career.  It means showing how current you are and how versatile you can be.It's 2017, time to get your portfolio organized and online.