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Your Resume Summary: 10 Helpful Hints

Resume Summary TipsThe resume summary has become the most important part of a resume today.  Objectives, qualifications and statements no longer rule.  The summary section ties everything in your resume together so that a hiring manager has a nice, concise overview of you.  For communications people, it can also show a hiring manager that you can't be concise, succinct or write well.  Here are some tips:1.  Eliminate the pronouns.  Resumes should not contain I, he/she.  They should be written as if you are the subject.2.  Keep it short.  Summaries should be 4-6 lines, maximum.3.  Eliminate buzz words.  Team player, innovative, highly motivated, are unnecessary buzz words.  If you can't prove it, don't list it.4.  Sell yourself.  Make sure to tailor your summary for the position.5.  Don't include non-sequitur information.  Your summary is an outline of who you are as a professional and what you are capable of doing.  It's not a place to highlight personal or non-relevant data.6.  Do not list specifics.  Your summary is not the place to explain.  It's a short and sweet marketing statement about you.7.  Use bullets.  Recruiters scan resumes, so make your summary as easy to read as possible.8.  Avoid jargon.  You don't know who will be reviewing your resume on the first pass.  Make sure everyone can understand what you do.  Avoid technical industry terms and abbreviations.9.  Don't exaggerate.  A summary is for the facts and just the facts.  It's what you have done, not what you think you could do.10.  Personal information should not be included.  Do not include anything that could be taken as discriminatory.A resume summary is very difficult to write.  Stick to these pointers and it will help you through the process.