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Your Roadmap to Cultivate a Purposeful Culture

Your Roadmap to Cultivate a Purposeful Culture - Ragan Communications 

If you want to retain your team and recruit the best talent, you must have a purposeful culture that’s rooted in core values—not perks.

Roula AmirePool tables, happy hours and free meals are perks your organization might be proud to showcase. But they won’t keep employees from fleeing your doors.A culture that aligns with employee purpose, on the other hand? Now you’re talking.Employees are leaving jobs in record numbers to, in part, find more meaning in their day-to-day work. A post-pandemic world has left many reevaluating their lives and careers—and joining workplaces whose values align with their own. Purposeful cultures foster a sense of belonging and meaning.Study after study repeatedly show that employees working for purpose-driven organizations are more engaged in their work. Engaged employees are more productive and perform better. The result? High retention and job satisfaction. And happier employees.So, how do you infuse meaningful purpose into your culture? Here are some steps to consider:1. Define your core values.Do you have a list of values? Are they defined? And are they easily accessed by all employees? Your answer should be yes. Cultures are formed by design or default. The absence of values speaks volumes.You can’t have a purposeful culture without a set of values. That means more than a list of feel-good words or phrases sitting on HR’s desk collecting dust.Continue reading here...