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Your Social Media Posts: 5 Things Recruiters Look For

Your Social Media Posts-5 Things Recruiters Look ForMarie Raperto, The Hiring HubYour social media posts help recruiters a great deal.  They can give someone a better idea of who you are versus your resume.  Employers will often scan your online profiles to help them see if you will fit into their culture and if you share the same values.  Here are the things recruiters will look for:

  1.  Are you active on the different sites?  Being active can show you are connected and know how to build a following.  Your personal brand is very important.  You must be careful not to post pictures that can be seen as offensive or silly.  The content you post should not be argumentative or judgmental.
  2.  Who do you know?  Are you connected to other professionals in your field?  Recruiters always look for candidates connected and active in their fields.
  3.  Is your grammar and writing up to par?  Poor grammar and punctuation can set off alarms for recruiters.  No one wants to hire someone who can't write, spell or punctuate.
  4.  Will you fit within the company's culture?  Sometime recruiters will scan profiles for your personal and professional styles and preferences.  So, show who you are.  It's been said that if you don't want your parents to see it, don't post it.
  5.  Are you engaged? You should be participating in discussions both professional and personal.  Posting and giving advice shows a recruiter that you are an active, interesting candidate.

Start updating your profiles today!