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5 Easy LinkedIn Video Ideas

9 Tips to Up Your LinkedIn GameJill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Do you have a strategy for sharing video on LinkedIn? We all should. LinkedIn has made video content a priority, rolling out a range of new features and tools to cater to increased on-platform video consumption. LinkedIn video generates 20 times more shares than other types of content on the platform.Best practices for video marketing on LinkedIn resemble the best practices for Facebook: 80% of video content is watched with sound-off, and 57% is viewed on mobile. That means that optimizing for sound-off mobile viewing by using text and mobile-friendly formats are best practices.You may be asking yourself what you can share in a Linkedin video. Here are five great ideas:
  1. Industry Insight: Share what’s happening in your industry, reinforcing your expertise and giving others great content to share.
  2. News: Share news that is trending in your industry. To be effective here, fast is better than polished. Yesterday’s news is not so interesting.
  3. Event Recap: Share key takeaways from an event. Your thoughtful summary of the event could help someone who couldn’t attend or who wants to share some takeaway from the experience.
  4. Company Intro: Show your company story visually. Introduce the people, the products, and your location.
  5. New Launch Promo: When a new product or service is launched, tell the story behind it and the importance of that offering. So much more effective than a press release!

No matter what you choose as the content from your video, be sure to tag people in your video posts. This helps expose you to their networks in addition to your own. And, pick relevant hashtags. LinkedIn’s suggestions aren’t always the best options – you want about three highly relevant tags to help your video be seen by the right people.