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5 Essential Tips To Corporate Blog Success

Charles Dearing

Corporate blogs can certainly be tricky. There’s a fine line in the corporate blogging space that separates spammy content from actionable, high-quality content. But every corporation absolutely needs a blog. And it needs to be enticing to your company’s target audience.

Did you know that company’s that post at least 15 blogs per month increase net an average of 1,200 new monthly leads. And B2B companies generate over 60 percent more leads via blogging.

What does this mean for your company? The corporate blog is a must. However, the blog needs to be good enough to generate leads and lead customers and/or clients toward sales.

For example, this Olive blog points out key factors for choosing extended car warranties that really speak to the reader. This has conversion power for the company. And conversions are the name of the game.

To help get your corporate blog on the right track, we compiled a number of essential tips to corporate blog success. Let’s get right to it.

1. What Are The Blog’s Editorial Guidelines?

Having clear editorial guidelines can help keep your blogging team on track. Editorial guidelines include topics to write about, verticals that are aligned with the company, and newsworthy content to keep readership high.

Guidelines also ensure you are always speaking to the right audience. Part of the editorial process should have target audience research involved. You can even use data from the company’s buyer personas for this as well.

2. Have A Powerhouse Blogging Team

If you think you can jump on Fiverr and hire cheap bloggers for the corporate blog, think again. Corporate blogs are different from the average blog, because the content needs to be informative, geared toward the industry, and more.

This means you need a powerhouse team of bloggers that knows the industry, or professional writers that know how to dig into an industry and develop serious good content. 

You can not rely on cheap, non-professional bloggers. In fact, you want to consider hiring a team in-house, or set up a remote team. This is critical, since having a dedicated team of writers and editors ensures corporate blog success.


3. Make Your Company Human Via The Blog

This can be a very important corporate blog tip, when done right. People want to buy from companies that align with their values. They also want to purchase goods and services from companies that are human. Making it important to convey your company’s human element via the blog.

Blogs can easily give your corporation a local business feel. The way blogs are designed, developed, and the messages they convey can really show readers, and future customers, how human your company is.

How can you do this? Develop sections in the corporate blog that have the human element present, such as philanthropy, community, employee highlights, and more. This adds that humanized feel customers want to see more of from companies.

4. Make Your Corporate Blog Social

Social media is an important channel for corporations, large and small. Why? If it isn’t on social media, it sort of doesn’t really exist. Social media also gives your company 24/7 access to your target audience. This is paramount.

And what better way to connect with your target audience on social media than via an informative, actionable blog. But you do need to ensure you’re reaching your target audience effectively.

For instance, you need to know where your target audience hangs out online. If your target audience is mainly B2C female, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are viable social channels to reach your target audience effectively.

If B2B is more your customer demographic. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter have the most value. You can also get YouTube in your social media mix up too. This means you will need to pair your corporate blogs with videos.

5. Promote All Blogs Across Multiple Channels

Social media is not the only place to share your corporate blogs. The more channels you promote the blogs on, the better chances your company has at netting those new leads via blogging.

Where can you promote blogs? The first place is to begin writing guest blogs for other publications. Then you can use your corporate blog as an example source for high-quality content, a quote from an industry expert, or fresh data and statistics.

The other places to promote your corporate blog include industry newsletters from industry societies and associations, author profiles from Forbes Councils, directory websites, and more.

Wrapping Up . . .

There are plenty of corporate blogging tips out there. But the above are among the top tips for corporate managers and directors to consider when it comes to corporate blogging. The aim is to serve up value, and the leads and sales will follow. Is your blog converting?

About the Author: Charles Dearing has an MBA and is a blogger and contributor to various marketing and business blogs. He is one of the frequent writers behind the sucessful blog Opportunitiesplanet.