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5 Lessons in Creative Content Marketing From The Big Lebowski (PRESENTATION)

By TopRank Online MarketingHave you been writing blog content targeted at The Dude when your real customer is Mr. Lebowski? Great content starts with understanding your audience, their pain points and finding a way to connect with them on another level. A successful approach to creative content starts with nailing your strategy and carries through to execution and even promotion. It’s time to recognize that a scattergun approach won’t help you grow subscribers, engage your readers and create loyal customers.In this presentation you’ll learn ways to:1 – Properly identify your target blog audience2 – Help your readers solve a problem3 – Incorporate storytelling into your content strategy4 – Mesmerize your audience with visual blog content5 – Amplify your message properly with social promotionThis is not ‘Nam. This is blogging. There are rules.

#MNBlogCon - The Marketer Abides: 5 Lessons in Creative Content Marketing From The Big Lebowski from TopRank Online Marketing