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Australia’s Most Mentioned Issues in the News (October 15 – 21, 2016)

Editor’s Note: Welcome to this weekly recap of Australia’s news, powered by iSentiaaustralias-news-for-the-week-of-october-15-whats-trendingCrossbench senator David Lyonhjelm claimed an agreement between the government and himself would see a vote in favor of the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) legislation, in return for negotiation on the Adler gun import ban. PM Malcolm Turnbull was criticized in media for considering watering down gun laws, and announced the ban was set in stone on Tuesday. It launched a national conversation in media about Australian gun laws, with many hunters, farmers and National MPs speaking out in favor of relaxing the ban, and claims of another major rift between Turnbull and former PM Tony Abbott. australias-news-for-the-week-of-october-15The devastating images from Mosul in Iraq have been widely broadcast across radio and television this week, as the Iraqi army tries to retake the city from the Islamic State. The UN is working to create new refugee sites outside Mosul, with reports as many as one million people may be forced from their homes. While Australia has been assisting the Iraqi army, most of the coverage has been from an international perspective. The leaked video of Donald Trump bragging about sexual assault was followed up by a range of women with allegations to match his boasting. Trump attempted to deflect the conversation towards voter fraud, as polls show Hillary Clinton in the lead, and his remarks aren’t getting much public support from other Republican leaders as the election draws near. The third and final debate was held yesterday. Amnesty International released a report into Australia’s policy of holding refugees on Nauru, claiming the failure to provide a safe environment prevents many refugees from attending school amounts to a violation of children’s rights and torture. Nick Kyrgios was set to be our first top 10 male tennis player in a decade heading into the Shanghai Masters after winning the Japan Open, but faces an eight week ban after apparently giving up early in the match. Quote of the week: “I will totally accept the election results if I win” – Donald Trump after the third and final debate